I'm launching the first step in my "Hungry for Hungary" for Hungary with a 24 day juice fast.
12 days for each of the 12 months I will be away
12 days for each of the $1000 I need to raise.
I will start at 12a on February 11 (which means no pastor lunch or dinner with my church family that night...)
I am looking for 100 people to pledge $1 per day.
I am also looking for 24 people to be prayer partners - one per day - someone that I can call during difficult times in order to pray with me and keep me accountable when times get rough.
My fast will be heavily monitored by my doctor and she has given me the "go ahead" to do this.
My breakfasts will consist of fruit juices (apples, oranges, grapes, pineapple, watermelon etc.) and a multivitamin.
My lunches will be fruit/vegetable combinations.
All snacks will consist of green juices (celery, kale, sprouts, spinach, etc)
My dinners will be strictly vegetable juices (tomato, celery, cucumbers, beets, carrots)
After dinner, I'll allow myself to have fruit juices.
The point is not to starve myself, so I'll allow myself to have as much as I need to stay full and away from fainting. I'll be getting a better juicer and juicing as I need, but having several containers of juice readily available. Depending on the size of my juicer, I'll be either carrying it with me (suck!) or taking several different bottles with me wherever I go.
Water will also be a staple and the multivitamin will be essential in case my iron gets low (it shouldn't with all those nice leafy greens, but just in case, cuz we all know my iron situation).
I'll be breaking my fast on my re-birthday - March 6th, at 11:59p.
I cannot wait to spend my last 24 hours celebrating new life, and also rejoicing in God's goodness and drawing closer to Him.
Breaking the fast will almost be harder than the fast itself and will be introducing things slowly... very very slowly.
I plan to lose a lot of weight, but not be frustrated when I start to gain it back. That's just the way it works.
I'm so excited!
If you're interested in supporting me, you can make checks payable to Home Acres Church so that they're tax-deductible or you can paypal me - trazylyn@gmail.com. Obviously, PayPal is not tax-deductible if you do that sort of thing.
Also, at this point, I have every day available as a prayer partner.
Thank you in advance for your support!
HUGE "Thank you!" to DanS, MaggieS, ThomM, Rich&ChrisS, RebeccaA, LizW, Diane&MeganM, DavidG, MichelleA, Larry&KathyO, RexG, KevinE, MichelleF, PriscillaF, Cheryl&PattiJoW, MayP, JoyceD, LisaB, MaryJaneM, BruceG, Wayne&SueO, DarrellD, JaneJ, Ken&JeanetteM, Jim&ShariW, Pete&ArleneS, MikeN, Joyce, DanA, Fred&HazelS and Home Acres Church for your pledged financial support. It has brought me to over 13% of my total goal!
Also, thank you to DanA, MichelleA, KarenB, AngelaH, JoyceD, ChrisS, JoyceA, PattiJoW, JeremyM, DarrellD, KevinE, ShawnR, WayneO, SueO, RachaelH, BrendenS, AlexH, JeanetteM and KenM for your support as a prayer partner. A better support group could not be found!