Sunday, October 28, 2012

Prayers Requested

For the last couple months, I've had a hard battle.  I've had about 3x more migraines than usual in the last month.  In this last week alone, I had 4.  Usually I can count on 1 or 2 per MONTH.  It's been hard to attend class and hard to concentrate when I do attend.

The struggle with this is that sometimes the Excedrin or store brand migraine medicine doesn't work as quickly as it used to.  I also don't always have it on me, since my migraines USED to be very predictable.

The other part of the struggle is that I have only limited options as far as insurance is concerned.  I have Plan First, which is a Michigan program for women in order to get annual exams, as well as family planning needs (if I were to decide to have a child, I believe it covers the pregnancy, but I'm not completely sure).  What I am sure of is that it doesn't cover non-family planning services.  :(  Migraines are not included.

I have spoken with one of my professors, who is also my adviser and boss for the LAS minor job.  She has offered to help me if I need it.  I just pray that they'll go away on their own.  I'm tired of fighting, ya know?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Don't Wait for the Storm to Pass...

Learn to Dance in the Rain!!!

I found this quote today and loved it and wanted to share it with y'all.
Hope you're all having a blessed day.