I haven't really updated this thing with any regularity. I would apologize, although I feel as though I don't really need to do so. It's random and it's scattered. It's not that I've lost interest, I just haven't been using my spare time to do anything productive, like blogging. It comes down to Words With Friends or Blog? Or it comes down to Netflix or Blog?
Lately it's been - ugh. I've been running around all day for work, so when I get home, the last thing I want to do is be productive. Honestly, I haven't even called my mother in like, a week. That's huge since I used to talk to her at LEAST every other day.
What's new, you ask? Well, how about everything?
I moved on July 1st. My boyfriend, the love of my life, moved from Michigan to NYC to be with me and not only did the distance end... the horrible 800 miles that separated us for over a year... but we did something crazy: we decided to live together. (I'll blog about that at another time).
I started a second job. It's a part-time position within Project Hospitality (the agency for which I already hold a position) working in a shelter. Every Saturday and Sunday, I somehow manage to pull myself out of bed at 6a in order to clock in at 7a for an 8 hour shift of site babysitting and story-making. It's not a bad job (actually, it's really simple), but it helps to pay some bills until E finds himself a job.
Tinka is here. I forgot what it's like to try to roll over in bed with a cat on my feet. Or to wear my favorite black shirt or skirt or pants or dress with cat hair decorations. Or to walk to the kitchen for a glass of water and step in puke. I also forgot how nice it was just to lay on the couch with her watching TV on my lap with me... or the feeling of coming home to someone if no human is home.
We have a bathtub, a real kitchen with counters, a living room with windows and a bedroom with two closets. We pretty much live in a palace. Pad status = increased 10 fold. Windows - these are probably my favorite parts of the new place. They lead to fresh air, to breezes, to smells of summer... they are where I most often find Tinka perched and from where I can watch the people of our block like a creeper. So good.
E is unemployed. This. This has been the hardest part of all of this. We, hopefully, will be so much happier and healthier when this phase of our relationship is over. We're not really in a horrible place, there's just much depression, much anger, much stress, much worry, much negativity surrounding it. I cannot wait for this period of waiting and hoping to be fruitful. God is providing and God will provide, but there have definitely been moments where I wondered if we hadn't made the wrong decisions in all of this because there has been little blessing on that front. (again, I'll blog about this at another time, I think).
However, despite all the news and things that kept me away, I'm back. Every Sunday at the shelter, I work the downstairs office, which is composed of a camera monitor system, a phone and a computer from 1782 that runs slower than molasses in winter. This is a good thing in one way - instead of checking Facebook or browsing Amazon (both of which take forever to load), I can update my blog so that we are not so disconnected. I won't be in this position forever, but until E is able to find a full-time, permanent position and brings home enough paychecks to set him at even for saving, I'm here. I look forward to talking to you every Sunday. It could be like fellowship hour, minus the cookies and weak, decaffeinated coffee.