Thursday, December 25, 2008

a non-update

Hi friends!
I wanted to update you on my lack of update.

I have yet to hear back any news from the Dick and Carolyn Otterness, the missionaries in Hungary. As soon as I hear back from them, I will be updating with a video (complete with a financial friend!)

I did go ahead and add 2 fun things for you to browse.
One is the weather in Hungary (it's warmer than Michigan! yay!)
edit: apparently you have to put in Budapest every time you want to see the weather. i'm looking for a different gadget, but for right now, this is what you get. manual. ugh. where's the automatic?

the other is top news in Hungary. I'm a bit of a news freak, so it's intriguing to me.
I also added a daily Bible verse, because, well, you can't read enough in my opinion.

If you haven't yet, you can subscribe to this site and I believe it emails you when I update. That way you don't have to check every day and become disappointed when I have no new information.

Thanks for the prayers and support. I hope you all had a merry Christmas, filled with peace, joy and LOVE.

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