Friday, August 16, 2013

A Quick Note

Two things happened today that brought me to tears.

1) One of the day laborers brought me a tamale.  A simple tamale to say "thank you."  These guys don't have much and life is tough.  All I try to do is make it a little nicer by putting coffee out.  He thanked me with something so heartfelt and delicious, I couldn't help but sit and be humbled by it.

2) One of my co-workers stopped by to tell me his wife passed.  They'd only recently gotten married (like only 2 or 3 weeks ago) and he was so excited and happy... and now he was finalizing all of the arrangements to bury his love.  I cannot imagine his pain.

My work here is some of the easiest (just called to love people) and hardest (loving people means walking alongside them in difficult times) work I've known.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Life is so funny like that. I love that you get to reach people and touch them though. Just keep being you and care for people because of or despite of it all my dear.