Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Continuing Down the Path of Education

This morning I was up extremely early and I prepared myself to go back to sleep (because there was no way I'd make it through my day without a little more sleep!), I decided to be productive.

I had heard that some classes were online and I've been anxious to schedule my final year for weeks now. So, I logged on to my "MyPath" which lays out what exactly I need to graduate. I opened the list I had created 3 months ago with classes I'd like to take and in which semester. I logged onto the registration page, which allowed me to only view the classes that would be offered in the next three semesters. Again, I wasn't able to register, so it's not set in stone, but at least I could get an idea of what my life might look like next year.

It became apparent that it wasn't going to look exactly as I had hoped if I wanted to maintain an open Wednesday schedule for CHAOS Jr. It also became apparent that my Spanish would be evenly distributed between the fall and winter semester, which was something I had hoped for. Unfortunately, not all of the classes available to me due to my time restraints were classes that I'm excited about. Of course, I'll also keep an eye on things to see if another section becomes available for one of the classes I'd rather take.

So, without further ado, check out how my life should look next year.

Fall Semester: August 27 - December 8, 2012

HST 334 (The Making of The Caribbean) - Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11a-12p
LAS 380 (Special Topics: Human Rights in Latin America) - Monday 6-9p
SPA 335 (Introduction to Spanish Linguistics) - Tuesday/Thursday 8:30-9:45a
LAS 210 (Exploring Latin America) - Tuesday/Thursday 4-5:15
SPA 460 (Women Authors) - Tuesday/Thursday 6-7:15

Winter Semester: January 7 - April 26, 2013

LAS 374 (Revolution in The Americas) - Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9-10a
SPA 327 (History of The Spanish Language) - Tuesday/Thursday 1-2:15p
SPA 380 (Special Topics in Culture and Society) - Tuesday/Thursday 2:30-3:45p
SPA 495 (Capstone!!!) - Tuesday/Thursday 6-7:15p

Yes, getting up and going to Allendale on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays is going to be tough during both semesters. And, yes, that's an 8:30a class in the fall. And no, there aren't any music classes. I received word this week that I had already finished my music minor and did not need to register for any further classes for that minor. holla!

Now I just have to wait for March 19th, when registration opens :)

In a year from now, my life will be very different and yet so much the same, though. As I look forward to the exciting decisions I'll have to make, at least I can rest assured that I am actually ON the path.

So the next decision I need to make regarding school is:
On April 27th, 2013 -
do I walk, complete with cap and gown and 4 hour ceremony?
or do I just forgo that tradition and have a party instead?

1 comment:

chouse said...

Definitely walk, you'll have earned it!