Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Horoscope... and a step backward?

Uncertainty creeps in as you have to go back to the past, which includes unresolved worry, anxiety or neurosis. Any areas you've skimped on, left behind, ignored or denied, now stand before you. You're only as strong as your weakest link so this week lets you see where you're keeping yourself back, or tripping yourself up. When in doubt, use your imagination to sculpt a new possible destiny. Avoid nagging self doubt or over-complaining. In fact, perhaps you're pushing too far too fast, in which case you'll be afforded many opportunities to surrender in the days ahead. And that's always a challenge for you - when the tides changes, adapt also.

First, a disclaimer: Yes, I read my horoscope. Usually it's not about predicting the future, but it's about providing little bits of inspiration each week. If you're interested in checking it out for yourself, this is the site I read weekly: http://www.newworldastrology.com/Weekly-Scopes.html
I don't believe stars can predict my future, but I do enjoy a good boost of inspiration that is interesting to read and doesn't completely go against my beliefs.

I took a step backward yesterday in more ways than one.

First of all, I went somewhere to meet an old friend from high school. She and I parted ways upon graduation and haven't seen each other since. In the last 11 years, a lot has changed for both of us. However, as she starts over after getting married, getting divorced, getting a career and then changing careers, etc, she decided to meet up with some of her old friends. I was down with that. However, meeting her just felt like a blast from the past. Remember it's been since June of 2001 that I've even seen her. I'm not proud of that, but life took us in different directions.

The second backwards step actually came first, which made it hard to concentrate on the aforementioned meeting. I'd rather not get too much into details because I honestly am not sure how much I want the world to know. An option of closure came around yesterday. It was needed. It was welcomed in the end, after the initial shock, pain and anger played through my mind. It is okay to step backward, as long as there is a force behind you pushing you forward again. I look at it as God's reminders of what He's brought me through, as a promise to always be with me no matter what may come my way.

On a semi-related note, since this topic hasn't been mentioned in a while, Eric and I are still moving forward. It has been so exciting to be on this journey. It has also been amazingly humbling. I was never sure I'd deserve someone as good as him, but God has shown me otherwise. Last night he surprised me with a random gift basket that he put together himself. It wasn't an anniversary or a birthday or any other special occasion... but "just because." We're looking forward to the addition of a new "tradition" to the mix. We made a vow to take time out of our busy schedules to go back to the place of our first date, Richmond park, 3 times a month. We haven't been there in 4 months, so it will nice to go back.

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