Friday, November 29, 2013

20 Random Facts

Okay, so the first seven are totally stolen from Facebook.

1) I've lived in more countries than states.

2) I have a minor in music and used to be considered a woodwind specialist - making joyful noise on bassoon, Bb/bass clarinets, alto/tenor saxes, oboe and horn - all to the ability of performing each at the university level (with the exception of oboe) and surpassing those who could only play one. Nowadays, I have a clarinet and a saxophone somewhere in storage collecting dust.

3) I have never read, nor do I ever intend to read Harry Potter. I don't know why anymore, I just have no desire. The same goes for The Hunger Games and Twilight. I have also never watched the movies for any of those.

4) Every New Year's Day, my tradition is to watch the entire Lord Of the Rings Trilogy complete with the seven hobbit meals. Usually I invite a bunch of people and it's potluck style - sorry, Staten Island, it will be just me and my love this year... laying around, vegging out, watching Frodo rescue Middle Earth.

5) I count everything. Seriously.

6) I hate carrying cash. In Michigan, everywhere accepted credit card (even the mom and pop diner). Here in NYC, it's not the case. I was in Long Island City the other day and had to make sure I had cash to stop and get a sandwich from the deli. So frustrating.

7) Speaking of money... at one point, I was so far gone financially, that I was contemplating bankruptcy (and suicide, honestly)... but I am living proof that you CAN pull yourself out of that mess. I'm not a professional financial adviser, but I can help if anyone wants --- it's hard work and it takes dedication and it takes giving up a lifestyle of "spend-spend-spend" but it's SOOO worth it.

8) I rarely ever make my bed.  I only really make it if I cleaned and there's not much else to clean.  It's not like it takes a long time and it's not hard to do... I just don't do it.

9) I love burning candles in the winter time.  In the summer, I love fresh air... but in the winter?  Gotta have the vanilla or the cinnamon or the pine scented candles going!

10) There are bottles of ketchup and mustard in the trunk of my car.  They were leftover from an event.  They never made it to wherever they were supposed to go and now they smell rotten.  So now, instead of removing them, I just avoid using my trunk.

11) I've lost my ability to flirt with anyone besides my boyfriend.  It's a good thing, I suppose.  However, it hurts my ability to barter with prices or anything, really.

12) I was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis at the age of 20.  My knees have no cartilage and they crack and grind.  I really need to have some work done on them, but I'm waiting to get my oral work done first.

13) I have a small jaw and horrible teeth.  Part of that is genetics... part of it is poor oral hygiene.  Unfortunately, the latter wasn't corrected soon enough in my adult life and now I'm having massive amounts of work done.  I received a small grant to help, and with Care Credit and dental insurance, I'm just doing it.  It's rough financially, but it will be worth it... eventually.

14) I self-treat major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.  M"ly MDD diagnosis came after I wanted to end my life... after a long series of unfortunate events, culminating in a break-up (which was, looking back, the least unfortunate event, but sometimes life is so dark in the moment...).  My PTSD diagnosis came much earlier and the trauma from which that stems was the first event in said series.  Both are being managed without medication (not something that's for everyone, so please don't think that I'm advocating no meds - chemical imbalances are no joke), sometimes well and sometimes with struggles.  I still have nightmares.  I still need to be an introvert and not face the world at times.  I'm still afraid of the dark.  I still struggle with my own self-worth and abilities... but I am.  I keep on keepin' on.

15) I used to smoke.  I used to do drugs.  I used to drink a lot more than I do now.  I call it part of my growing up process.  It got me into a lot of trouble at times for which I'm not proud.  My recovery from those periods has made me who I am today - not the use, the recovery.

16) I have a Christmas card problem.  Seriously.  I have boxes and boxes of Christmas cards in storage.  Every year, I have MORE than enough for the year... and yet... I buy more.  It's obnoxious, really... but they're all just so darn cute!  I can't help it!

17) I have something wrong with some of my toenails.  They are thick and yellow.  It's gross, so I cover them up with nail polish.

18) I have a list of things to do.  It's called a 101 list and the goal is to complete everything on my list within 1001 days.  Everything from "learn to play guitar" to "join a yoga class" to "watch a tornado tear it up" is on the list.  So far, I've completed 26 of the 101 things.  The things I've done include "buy a new computer" and "get make-up lessons" and "participate in a 5k."  My favorite thing to cross off, though, has been "fall in love."  It was one of the things that I couldn't control, but that I still dreamed of and prayed would happen within that time frame.  It did.  So great!

19) I don't drink water like I should.  I drink soda, coffee, tea, juice, beer, wine... basically anything and everything BUT water.  #fail

20) I always store one extra of everything.  Everything, that is, except toilet paper.  I have an extra shampoo, body wash, dish soap, etc on hand in case I run out all of a sudden... because apparently that happens :P

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