Sunday, February 23, 2014


Do you have any collections?  Personally, I used to have a couple collections, but now there seems to be only one.  Books.

I have a problem with book collections.  I collect books that I'll (probably) never read.  I have two collections: 1 in NY, 1 in Michigan.  It keeps growing.  And I haven't really been reading.

I'm currently working on a book that I had started for my bachelor's degree.  It's in Spanish, so it's not fast reading, but it's a good book.  Unfortunately, I want to read all of the books in my collection.  And so... it continues to grow :P

I used to collect musical instrument figurines, but it's been a while since I've collected nor displayed these figurines.  I have a variety of figures, even from far away places like the Dominican Republic and Mexico.  I have dogs playing pianos, cats playing violins and ducks playing drums... all marching to their own tune and rhythm.  Unfortunately, they are all now collecting dust.

So... what do you collect?

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