Whose team are you on?
My devotional today was from 2 Corinthians 6, where it talks about not being unequally yoked with unbelievers. I've heard this passage translated and interpretted in a lot of different ways... about everything from work relationships to dating to roommate situations... and every time, I learn something new not only about myself, but also about others.
We, as followers of Christ, are told that we are not of this world (1 Peter 2:11) and that we shouldn't become part of the world (Romans 12:2), but how can we LIVE in the world without being teamed up with unbelievers? I mean, isn't one of our main goals to also live among them and to be a witness (1 Peter 2:12)?
In finding this balance, there is always a struggle in my heart. Some of my friends may be believers but are also not the people I want to surround myself with. Others of my friends may be unbelievers, but really good people whom I love and hope to someday witness their realization of the truth I've found.
In my last placement, the tanoda's director came right out and asked my religion/faith. Shamelessly, I told her that I am a follower of Christ's teachings and believe I have a good Father God and a Holy Spirit within me. She then told me that she wasn't raised in a church and does not have a religion, so she is 'free' (exact phrase). At which point, I could have gone on to say that I am the one who is free, but decided to hold off for the moment. In this case, she is a great teacher and someone who truly cares about the prosperity of Roma/Gypsies in this society. Being 'yoked' with her at the tanoda taught me a lot and I believe we were a good pair, so is this the situation that I should be avoiding?
As I continued in my devotion, a thought occurred to me that sometimes it's okay to be teamed up with someone who doesn't believe the same things... as long as they don't cause you to compromise YOUR faith. I believe this is the situation that Paul is warning the Corinthians against in his second letter to them.
So, what about you? Are there any areas in your life where you're finding yourself questioning the meaning of these verses or maybe even convicted by this verse?
Last weekend, I got to do a little traveling. On Friday, Jeff and I spent time in Pécs, a city in Southern Hungary, wandering around and seeing a little bit of the city. Below are some of the images we took from our wandering :)
this street just had a(n?) "OMG I'm in EUROPE" feeling!
love locks - lovers prove their commitment to each other by placing a lock onto several fences or other public fixtures. They're all over town!
This is a cathedral from the Middle Ages/11th century - so beautiful!
this is the gate to enter the above cathedral - isn't it pretty?
and the view as we were walking away from the cathedral...
1 comment:
Good dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
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