In the end of January (január), we had the opportunity as a host organization to meet together (találkozzunk) for the second time this year. All of the Önkéntes Diakóniai Év Program volunteers (önkéntesek) met in Berekfürdő for 5 days. It was a good time and it was nice to see everyone again, as some are serving (szolgálnak) in Ukraine and Romania, as well as distant places in Hungary (magyarország). We were able to share stories (történetek) of joy and concern, and even learn a bit more about our world and what our place (hely) is as volunteers.
There were some moments of laughter, pain, joy, sadness, love (szeretet), anger... all mixed with a strange sense of unity among us. So good (jó)!
This must have been taken in the early morning, for I see many cups of coffee (kávé) in this picture! This was our main meeting room (szoba) for the seminar.
the "American Girls' room" (Amerikai lányok szoba) - home of Emilie, Kristy and myself. Yes, we have the window open. Nagyon meleg volt (it was very warm).
one (egy) of our projects was to make a collage of ourselves. Kristy is working very hard on hers :) "Ki vagyok én?" / "Who Am I?"
This is our schedule. If you read (olvasd) what we're doing on Saturday afternoon and you read what I read, you should be smiling :)
these friends even found time for a star(csillag)-shaped group nap... starting with the boy and going clockwise, I present:
Zoltán from Ukraine serving in Hungary
Hilde from Hungary serving in Ukraine
Livija from Ukraine serving in Hungary
Ildikó from Hungary serving in Romania and...
Silke from Germany serving in Hungary
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