Thursday, May 10, 2012

Other blogs

In case you'd like to check what else I'm doing in the blog-o-sphere - - This is a blog for my summer SPA 312 course.  It will be in Spanish, but Google Translate is a great tool if you want to know what I am interested in during this course. - This is a blog for the youth group at Home Acres Church.  Right now it's just a devotional every few weeks, but I have hopes and dreams.  Just lacking on the time, I suppose. - This is the blog I'll be keeping for my journey through my 101 in 1001 list.  This is a list of 101 things that I'd like to accomplish in 1001 days.  It's an interesting list.  It's an even more interesting journey.

Check them out if you'd like.  Don't if you aren't interested.

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