Monday, April 29, 2013

Graduation Saturday

On Saturday, Eaic and I were treated to a pre-graduation luncheon reception for one of my minors, Latin American Studies.

Look at that handsome man!

Waiting backstage... ready to get this show on the road!
There were over 1500 students to get out into the arena, so this was a looong process.

 Right after I walked across the stage and returned to my seat, I posted this picture on Facebook.  
It's the diploma holder... minus the diploma.
The diploma itself will be mailed to me in about 4-6 weeks.


Afterward, my family - my dad, my dad, my brothers Aaron and Randy and their wives Jennifer and Nikkie, and Eaic - all went out for dinner at T.G.I. Fridays.  
We missed having Shawn there, but she will be home soon.  
It was a wonderful day!

Thank you, everyone, for your continued support, your love and your encouragement.
It has been a long, hard road, but it has been so worth it.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

El Fin.

I have finished.

At 10a this morning, I submitted my final assignment.  I am done.

*takes a bow*

*takes a nap*

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Ending of A Chapter

This last weekend was the last middle school retreat of my youth ministry career at Home Acres Reformed Church.  It was such a bittersweet moment. 

In one way, I was sad.  I was sad that it was my last one.  I was sad that we had snow for the first retreat in seven years (since we pushed the dates back).  I was sad that more students were supposed to go, but couldn't at the last minute.  I was sad that not all of my volunteers could make it to celebrate such a hard year... with such a great retreat. 

It was sweet because it was such a great retreat.  We had 5 students accept Christ into their hearts for the first time.  We had students that were happy to be there and worked hard to be there.  We had leaders that truly wanted to be there for the students.  We had pretty good weather after Friday night.  We had great fun taking advantage the other activities that we didn't have time for last year.

What a great way to end this season!  I can truly celebrate... and I celebrate not the end, but because through all of our preparation and worry, God showed up.  God made Himself known in great ways this weekend.  So good!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Through the Psalms and The Busy-ness

So, these last couple posts have been more about my spiritual journey than my physical journey.  These thoughts spring out of my days of silence and they've been things that were either struggles while there... or struggles since then.

One theme that kept recurring then and continues now is "God, what have I been missing out on in the busy-ness?"

What have I missed?  I mean, the busy stuff has been mostly good busy stuff.  School is good.  I truly shouldn't be not busy with schoolwork.  It is good and it will BE good.  This is not a problem.  Work is good.  I have to work to get a paycheck.  I have to get a paycheck to live the lifestyle I've chosen.  It is good and if I stay busy with it, it will produce good results.  This is not a problem.  Putting time into a relationship and friendships is good.  You can't expect them to be all given to you without putting in some time in maintaining the closeness.  These are good and they are necessary to have a full life.  They are not bad things.

Personally, I've missed out on a rich prayer life.

I've missed out of feeling as though I'm God's invited guest.
Psalm 5:7 - But I, by your great love, can come into your house; in reverence I bow down toward your holy temple.

I haven't gotten ready to go.
Psalm 45:10-11 - Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house.  Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord.

I've relied on things of the world instead of God's unfailing love.

I've relied on myself.
Psalm 25:15 - My eyes are ever on the Lordfor only He will release my feet from the snare.

So... what have you been missing out on? 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Washing My Feet

While Jesus was enjoying His last meal with His disciples, He did something extraordinary.  He got down on the floor.  He tied a rope around his waist and secured a towel to it.  Then, He proceeded to do a servant's job.

You see, back in Jesus' day, people walked around in sandals.  They didn't exactly have paved roads and sidewalks... it was just all dirt.  So, as you could probably imagine, their nearly bare feet got pretty dirty after a full day of walking.  As guests would enter a home, servants would wash their feet for probably a variety of reasons, but we read about it here as a gesture of servitude and status.

What if you had been there?
What would it have been like if Jesus himself bent down and began to wash YOUR feet?

Maybe He is... even today.
How has He been washing your feet?
How have you received it?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Holy Weekend... in Holy Silence

During this last weekend, I had the unique opportunity to journey into silence.  I journeyed into silence for... wait for it... 3 days.  During that time, it allowed me to think and reflect on sooo many things.

One thing that God kept reminding me is Psalm 136: His love never fails.

In my moments of greatest joy, His love is what lifts me even higher.
In my moments of anxiety, His love is what comforts me.
In my moments of peace, His love is what brought me there.
In my moments of doubt, His love rings true.
In my moments of gratitude, His love is what has provided for me.
In my moments of sorrow, His love carries me through.
In my moments of anger, His love is still unfailing.

His love never fails.  How awesome!