this internet briefing has been brought to you from the Telehaz (the internet house) in Sarszentlorinc.
These last few days have simply been filled with great things, however, i feel most inclined to tell you about last night.
We were in Uzd, a neighboring village, home of Joszí, our Roma guide. We walked the three or so kilometers to the village and were invited to visit the local muzeum, which was fairly interesting. there was a lot of history and facts that I had no idea about, but i DO know that there was a cabinet with 3 random human skulls... and there was a basement and we needed to descend creepy stairs in order to visit. I'm not going to say i didn't feel safe, but it was QUITE creepy.
we went to Joszí's family's house and were greeted with a wonderful gypsy meal and beer outside (picnic table style!). It was delicious - vegetables, homemade bread and pork chops - mmm...
Anyway, after dinner, we sat inside because it was getting chilly and played gypsy music with guitar (Joszí), violin (Matt), milk jug (various) and spoons (various). It was filled with much laughter and happiness.
However, it was getting quite late and Joszí said we needed to leave, so we started walking back to Sarszentlorinc and the rain started... then it got heavier... then it was pelting down on us and i thought we were going to die! okay, not really. Srsly, there was a lot of rain and wind and it was not a pleasant situation, so we did what any sane people would do... instead of keep going and knowing that we would eventually arrive, we turned around. This left us in an strange predicament. We were not stranded in a nearby town, soaked, and unable to communicate. Wonderful, right? It gets better.
So, we are now back at Joszí's family's house and soaking wet. His mother gives us girls some shirts to change into, which are highly fashionable - think crazy patterns and shoulder pads and polyester - but at least we were dry :) sorta. We had an issue that our pants were still wet. So, we were given a blowdryer and the next thing I know, Emilie is standing behind me, blowdrying my bum. awkward! it was a grand time and there were many laughs before we were rescued by the pastor's kids and a car.
We returned to Sarszentlorinc and played some trivial pursuit, while truly just enjoying each others' company.
prayer requests:
*** my throat hurts. it's to the point where, if i were home, i would take some cough/throat medicine... however, I don't have any here. I looked while we were at the store this morning, but since i can't tell you the word for cough, with my luck I would buy allergy medicine or something else that wouldn't help at all.
*** rest. we are sleeping very late and are needing naps throughout the days.
*** praise for busyness - because we have been so busy, it means we haven't even had time to reflect on all that has happened in the last week. i still cannot believe that i am, in fact, in Hungary!