It's not the entire letter, but a good chunk of it. Enjoy!
Hey buddy! Thanks for the card! How are you doing?
Life is going pretty well here. It's also going really fast. I can't believe that I'll be home in 3 months! I'm starting to realize the harsh reality that a few months from now, this entire experience will be in the past. It's really weird!
However, this year has been really good. God has shown Himself to me in ways I never imagined - He has also renewed a Spirit in me - a Spirit that longs to work with two people groups in order to bridge gaps that have formed. God's heart beats for ALL people, but especially those whom humans/society place on the fringes - those that are cast out and discriminated against.
What would our world look like if we didn't have these gaps? If we truly saw everyone as equal and offered them the same opportunities and, more importantly, the same LOVE?
What would the world be like if we all stopped thinking only about ourselves and started to think only about others? Just think about how many lives could change and how much better the world would be!
Sadly, this work will probably still need to be done ever after you and I leave the earth. The evil one will still rule in peoples' lives and he thrives on this stuff. It angers and saddens me, but this is true :(
Mukachevo (Munkács), Ukraine
This is a Hungarian church, which is actually quite modern comparatively. Note the booth on the right. Yes, preachers often will use this on special Sundays - so for all of you who have been used to deliver words to congregations, could you imagine teaching from such a place? I think I'd feel even MORE intimidated. Thanks, I'll stick to the floor (or maybe a small step because I'm short).
just your average street in downtown Munkács...
a river flows through every important city :) This is The Liatorytsia River.
coffee ok :)
The town square. In front of me, you can see Emese (my country coordinator) and her husband, Gyüri. In the middle of the picture, you can see the Ukrainian flag :) and a LOT of green. That was the one noticeable difference from Hungary to Ukraine - everything was SOOO green!
And an alley way... It's sad to see all of the beauty that is in the city and then walk past this. My heart broke. Only one block away was a busy town square with shops and coffeehouses and people bustling and buying things... and here we have families that are struggling just to get by. *sigh*
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