I got myself to and from George the dentist completely on my own.
Now, to those of you unfamiliar, this means that I got up at 4:45 to get on a 6:30a train (I had a ticket to travel for free on that specific train otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen it, believe me).
Travel three hours to Hidasnémeti.
Arrive in Hidasnémeti and find the bus going to Gönc.
Travel to Gönc and then find the dentist office...
and then do the whole thing in reverse.
it was nice to go somewhere away from everything that's been stressing me out. I managed to ALMOST read an entire book. I also did a lot of thinking and watching the scenery and reflecting.
In an attempt to lift myself up, I found these two things helpful. I pray they also are a blessing to you today.
Psalm 4:6-8 (Message)
Why is everyone hungry for more? "More, more," they say.
"More, more."
I have God's more-than-enough,
More joy in one ordinary day than they get in all their shopping sprees.
At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep,
For you, God, have put my life back together.
"God made me as I am,
part of creation's plan.
No one else can ever be
the part of God's plan that's me."
~Bernadette Farrell
Margit Island: Budapest's own "Central Park"
Located in the middle of the Danube is a beautiful island where Budapest natives chill and tourists take a moment to breathe. It's beautifully green right now and is a host to all sorts of fun activities.
you can hang out at the musical fountain...
sunbathe or throw a frisbee or play soccer/american football/badminton or even have a picnic in the open grassy areas...
and when you want to get rid of your sass, you can go taunt the peacocks until they open their feathers :)
Every Wednesday, I go to a home for disabled and elderly people. I am teaching the staff English. Also, this is my roommate's, Silvia's, placement. Last week, I was invited to their Mothers Day celebration and found it to be one of the cutest, most heartfelt programs I've ever seen. This is the group on the stage before beginning :)
"Erős Vár a Mi Istenünk" - (Strong Castle the us God of us)... or "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"... on the outside of a Lutheran church.
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