Monday, June 28, 2010

Matthew 20:28

... just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Máté 20,28
Valamint az embernek Fia nem azért jött, hogy néki szolgáljanak, hanem hogy õ szolgáljon, és adja az õ életét váltságul sokakért.


I have been spending a lot of time in quiet, meditating on Scripture in my spare time. Tomorrow begins another leg of my service here and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm going to miss these very special "God times."

I'm beginning to make preparations for where I'll be staying in August and I am pleased to announce that I'll be couchsurfing in my home city! So excited to meet other couchsurfers and get to know new people in this time of transition. I'm also excited to crash on some of my friends' couches or in their spare rooms. I could probably do this for two months, but I think I'll stick to just one and hope for permanent housing in the beginning of September.

I have a few prayer requests for you in these final weeks:

a) moments of joy with those I'll miss so much - Silke, Silvia, Matt, Timothee, Janos, Janos, Zoltan, Evelyn, Jozsi, Emese, Aaron, Njeri, Judit... and many more.
b) peace of mind about each item I pack, ease for the process, and the ability to part with things that don't need to be brought back
c) a smooth week of camp - that it is fruitful, fun and full of God's abounding love
d) a rockin' time with the group from Ohio
e) readiness - to go, to come, to serve, to hold on, to trust, to obey, and to be

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