Wednesday night, I found God in Budapest. I’ll admit, I’ve been searching and was turning up empty, thus turning my spiritual life to be, well… stagnant. I have looked for Him in my flat, but I have yet to feel like He’s been invited in here (and yes, I know that I play a part in that role). I have looked for Him in Vörösmarty Iskola, but most of the time I just find misbehaved children with (usually) good hearts, but misguided directions in life so far… and teachers that seem too busy to sincerely care. I have looked for Him in St. Columba’s. I am sure He is working there, but I had yet to actually MEET Him there. And then some random stranger, a friend of a friend, messaged me and told me about this Bible Study on Wednesday nights. I told him I’d go and check it out. This guy and I never actually met this last Wednesday night, but God and I did. With Hungarian worship music, English songs (thanks for Amazing Grace! I needed that!), an American pastor, with translator… teaching on Ecclesiastes (I KID you NOT! I used to think that no one ever preached on Job or Ecclesiastes and at St. Columba’s, we’re working through Job… and at Calvary, we’re going through Ecclesiastes! Word!) I can't wait to go back this next Wednesday evening!
The boys' apartment now has internet which means it is only a matter of time until our flat follows suit. We hope. I can't wait until I can stay up late and schedule Skype dates with CHAOS or friends that aren't available until evening. Everytime I chat with my mommy, i think she jumps higher and higher. Hopefully others will start to jump around a bit too.
Please be praying for tomorrow. While I might be excited, I'm also a bit nervous.
As for pictures, I got the one I missed last time - the picture of MY ROOM (and Silke's). My bed is the one directly in front of the door, next to the window and also next to the heater. good location :)
This is a view from a balcony of our building. Not sure what it's a view of, but I thought it was cool and that I could share it with you. Congratulations, you are now 10% as confused as I am on a daily basis!
Another point of confusion. Please tell me where the "Permanent Press" picture is so that I know what's going on with my clothes. please? kthx
this picture pretty much speaks for itself. I found fake chinese! it was nummy! i ate with chopsticks in Budapest! aww yeah! also - please note the beautiful bowl of "gyumölcs leves" for desert, even though it's totally supposed to be the first course :P
another food related picture. Matt (his blog is listed to the right) and I decided that it was going to be a race to find Mexican in Budapest. Matt totally won and we ate there the next day. We have since discovered three more Mexican restaurants - can't wait to have time to try them all! However, making only a few dollars every day means eating out only once a week. we have a list going :)
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