I realized yesterday’s post was a bit of a downer. I know that there’s a reason for my being here, but just I feel just as I stated. I feel like I also should not need to censor my feelings. Also, don’t get me wrong, as I am truly excited to go home. I just also know the stress that has come from being home for such a short time. I mean, I obviously want to be there for my brother’s wedding or I wouldn’t have paid $900 for the ticket. However, I also know that *I* bought this ticket and so I am trying to spend my time as I want/need to spend it… there is just so much to do in such a short amount of time. At least I will never be bored! Sleep deprived, igen (yes), but nem unalmas (not bored).
So now, my roommates, Silke és (and) Silvia, és Timothée are watching a movie. This is after a busy day of shopping. We found a great discount store where there were cheap soap products and some food. We also found many, many bookstores which were closed, but I look forward to exploring them. I would love to find a Hungarian/English Bible. Then we found the HUGE marketplace where you can buy meat, cheese, bread, fruits, and vegetables on the main level. On the second floor, you can buy souvenirs of all types. In the basement, there’s a supermarket, but also fish and Chinese and Mexican food items. I never thought I’d see the day when I could make tacos for my roommates! Silke doesn’t even know what Mexican food is! Srsly!
Well, I am going to return to the movie and will post this as we venture out to the bar tonight. Oh, how I cannot wait until the day when I don’t need to buy a beer in order to update you on my life in Hungary.
Tomorrow is church at St. Columba’s Church. There is a guest pastor from Bavaria, so that will be exciting :) I cannot wait until this family and I become closer and I know each of them by name.
So, now, like always, I leave you with some picture stories. I hope you love these photos as much as I enjoy sharing them with you.
The second night of our welcome seminar (after language school), we welcomed the Roma Glasgow Band children. The children and Gyuri (and even Matt on his violin!) provided us with fantastic music and then some dancing lessons. It was great fun! Matt seems to have gone on tour with them, having played 2 other concerts with them while he awaits for the start of his placement. Just last night, we had the opportunity to visit with them again at an ÖDÉ recruitment night and they are always a treat to watch, but they also love to teach us songs and dances as well. The songs they teach us are in Romani and I wish I knew what it is we’re singing, but I’m sure they’re good songs nonetheless!
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