Monday, October 12, 2009

Otthon (Home, but not there)

So, in a matter of two hours, I take off to return home. Yes, return to my home in Budapest. It was a great visit to the place I used to serve this last weekend. I got to see a LOT of family (including family I haven't seen in nearly 15 years!) and a bit of friends (thanks to Ang, Nick, Shawn, Jodi and Mike for making this weekend so memorable!) I wish I could have stayed longer, but it's time to go home.
Thursday was a whirlwind of visiting the DOCK, the Gurk family, the bank, dinner with Mom and sister, then crashing...
Friday was a busy day of running errands, hanging out with mom and sister, rehearsal dinner, then sister hang out, then karaoke with Nick.
Saturday was the wedding all day - it was beautiful and perfect.
Sunday was church (*sigh*), then family dinner, then back to make Gyumolcs Leves for CHAOS, then CHAOS, and dinner with Ang and Nick
Today I've just been chilling with Ang, Mike and Jodi - just making it relaxing and enjoyable. I stopped at church and talked to Joyce, Jeanette and Pastor Darrell for a bit - i miss my church family...
and now i'm filling up on Cafe Sua Da before heading back to place I call home. I have some good books, some music and a magazine and can't wait to begin this journey.

Please pray for safe travels. I love you and miss you all so much. <3


This is where I'm headed... home.
This is the front door of our apartment building. Step out this door and turn right, and there's Parliament. So beautiful.

these are the stairs we climb to get to our flat - just one floor, but still stairs :)

Emelet 1 (Floor 1)

the view down from the door of our flat

the view up from our flat.

there are no outside windows, so those are the only views we have... *sigh* i can't wait to get back there...

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