This is my last blog post from Hungary for about a week. I can’t believe I’ve actually been gone from the US for 6 weeks! It seems like just a few weeks, but yet it also seems like an eternity. At some times, it doesn’t even feel like I’ve left with familiar sights and sounds all around… At other times, I wonder if I’m only across an ocean because I feel like I’m on another planet.
Budapest is just… a sight to behold. The other night, I fell in love. I can honestly say that I will never forget that moment when I stopped taking pictures just to take it all in. I have been feeling ill these last few days… ill enough to not go to the school, in fact. By afternoon/evening time, my warm teas and meds have kicked in and I begin to feel better, so I try to get out of the flat. That evening, I took my camera and decided to do a little solo exploring – my first adventure alone here. It was interesting and I felt intimidated. I am one that honestly doesn’t like to experience new things alone, so taking this step was actually a giant leap for me. I’ll save the story for when I get caught up in my pictures, but at that moment, after a hard weekend, I knew in my heart that there would be NOTHING keeping me from returning to Budapest on Monday. It is my home for the time being and I know that I will soon find my niche here and begin to feel at home.
Upon returning, I look forward to a lot of things: actually getting my visa, starting with the afterschool programs at the school, starting to work with youth at the church, maybe finding a soup kitchen or shelter to work with… and developing some friendships with Hungarians.
But for now, all I look forward to is going home – seeing my family and my friends whom I have missed so much, even though aside from my absence, their life has continued. It feels strange that life hasn’t really changed that much for many of my friends and family members, when my life has been turned upside down. I just look forward to seeing them and sharing time with them. The thought of sharing a few hours with my best friend is getting me through the stress of the next 24 hours, for sure. The thought of being with my mom in less than 24 hours is making me tear up at this very moment. It was great when I called her yesterday and I could almost picture her smiling when she realized it was me on the other end. What a feeling that must have been for her! What a feeling it was for me – to finally speak to my mom after a month of only emailing!
With that thought, I leave you, of course, with a few more pictures. Please be in prayer for:
*safe travels
*end of the sickness
*renewal, refreshment, relaxation
*family struggles – please!
*a fantastic time of celebration and joy on Saturday – when my baby brother, Randy, and Nikkie renew their vows and have their wedding!
These first two pictures were taken over two weeks ago, as we left Monoszló. The first picture is of my roommates for the first 3 weeks in Hungary – Kristy, Emilie and I shared a room in Sarszentlörinc and again in Monoszló. During that time, we became quite close and I can’t wait to see them again throughout the year! :) The second picture is of the American volunteers (including Canada). We have all been together for 3 weeks, one week of which was ONLY us… and within minutes of this picture being taken, Emilie would board a bus for Magyarmecske… then Jeff and Matt would board another bus headed for Budapest, where Matt would stay, but Jeff would travel on to Nyirtulek… then I would board another bus headed for Budapest, leaving Emilie who would later travel back to Sarszentlörinc. Such a sad period of time followed such a happy picture! However, we will all be back together soon for American Thanksgiving at Dick and Carolyn Otterness’ home in Budapest.
This next picture is to show you what happens when you send a card or make pictures… It’s my bedroom wall. I basically have two open bedroom walls, so there’s a lot of room to expand. Also, what you don’t see is that I’ve also decorated my book shelf (what is the shelf in the picture) with another letter and the picture of CHAOS that was taken at the mall on the giant foam food things. Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that things don’t just get discarded – I promise! And everyone that comes into my room always has to look at them, so it is also a great time to share with others the stories I have about y’all.
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