Monday, May 11, 2009

just a random thought...

it's 85* in Hungary right now...

I can't wait!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

When God Speaks...


Be still.

Do you hear it?

Do you hear Him?

He is calling out

Crying out…

Out to you, can you listen?

Can you hear Him?

When God speaks, there is no question

No need for wonder or translation

No excessive floundering of words

Or useless verbs

He does not, will not

Leave room for curiosity or worry

Over menial things

Like time, money, materialistic relief

He is more than that.

When God speaks, there is authority

And pure understanding.

It is not to be debated

Or to be taken lightly.

It is to be immediately acted upon



It is to be done.

It is His will be done

Thy will be done, Lord

Thy will and only Thy will be done

When God speaks, He speaks directly

He says “Go.”

He says “Stay.”

He says “Worship.”




Rinse, repeat…


Go forward.

When God speaks, He is persistent


Never faltering

Never pausing

Continuing and true

Until you comply,

you do

When God speaks, He does not speak

Through words or rhyme

Or through that song we’ve sang

A thousand times.

He speaks through circumstance

God knows our circumstance

He knows us more than we know ourselves

More than my momma that bore me

More than my friends that console me

More than Pastor Darrell or Wayne

Or even you.

He knows my comings and my goings

When I sleep and when I wake

He knows the hairs on my head

And the life that I’ve lead

God knows my circumstance.

He knows my sin, my wounds

My joy, my sorrow, my insecurities

He uses our lives, our stories
He uses our circumstance.

When God speaks, it is not by chance

It is with direction

Not like the voice on your GPS

Not like mapquest

It is without earthly destination

It is like Abram leaving without knowing

It is like Isaiah saying “Send me” and going

It is like Paul, a disciple called

A man’s life doing a complete 180

When God speaks, you hear

His voice is not the loud thunder

Or the roaring fire

Or the earthquake from under

Your feet



He is the calm.

He is the peace

He is the whisper that is louder than

The bass on the teenagers car next door

He is serenity


When God speaks, He speaks with wisdom

This is the truth

The truth is what sets you free

He knows you

He knows me

He is calling us each

To do his will, his works, his deeds

To serve and love

Not boast or be proud

To go and to grow where He sends us

When God speaks,


Just listen,

He speaks.

this was written a while ago and posted on facebook - and it will be used in our upcoming CHAOS Sunday... since it's really what God's calling me out on recently. He's still speaking, I'm not always listening. Are you?