Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Moved out, moving in, moving forward... moving...

And so, I sit here on my futon (which is waiting for it's new owner to come get it), staring at a pile of stuff in the corner, a television and dvd player that have been unhooked... and an otherwise empty living room.  The major time of transition has begun.  My kitchen table, my bookshelves, my tv stand, my dresser, my desk and my nightstand have all been moved (along with several totes) to my parents' storage shed in Saranac.  And now comes the fun part: getting everything else to fit in my car and still be able to fit myself and my boyfriend.  In a few short days, I will officially move out.

In one short week, I will be all moved in to my new apartment on Staten Island, NY.  I still have no idea what the apartment looks like and that's okay with me.  I have stuff packed that is probably silly and I am leaving stuff home that I will probably want.  Oh well.  Whatever I need, I've always been able to find it... and much more.

Moving forward with my life means leaving things behind.  It means I have to leave behind my family, my friends, my spiritual director, my coworkers, my confidants, my boyfriend... all "my people."  I have to leave behind a job that I have loved.  I have to leave behind my catdaughter... again.  I leave behind an amazing housing situation in order to go into an unknown one.  I leave behind perfect timing for one of my life's dreams for another one of my life's dreams.

However, it's safe to say that I AM moving forward.  I am following a dream.  I am going somewhere, even if it's unknown, to follow a calling.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Leaving (again)

So, in just two weeks, my entire world will have changed... again.
I will have, by that time, packed up my entire apartment.  I will have moved everything that I'm not taking with me but keeping into my parents' storage shed.  I will have gotten rid of everything I don't want.  I will have packed up my car with everything that's going with me.  I will have loaded myself and my boyfriend into my tiny car and driven across the country.  I will have found my new address.  I will have unloaded my car and explored my part of the city.  I will have driven my wonderful boyfriend to the airport.  I will have said that terrible and horrible goodbye.
And, by this time, Eaic and I will have had our first facetime date.
I will have not slept due to the excitement of starting my new job... and I will be in the office learning about what it is I will be doing for the next year.

2 weeks.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cleaning House

As you may have guessed, I'm cleaning out my house again.  I have listed a few things on Craigslist, but would love to offer them to you as well!

Would you use a Vintage Alarm Clock?

Can anyone use a Travel Alarm Clock?

How about some Bb Clarinet Reeds?

Or maybe you need 2 brand new (in package) white IKEA Lampshades?

Maybe you play bassoon and you need a bassoon reed case and reamer?

Perhaps you've been dying to have an insulated lunch bag?

Can anyone use some cute grey wedges?

Can anyone use a Vintage Wool Poncho?

How about some DJ Vinyl?  I have 90 Records.

Or maybe you need a new cute purse?

Maybe you want an espresso machine?

Perhaps you are (or someone you know is) graduating from GVSU and they need a GVSU Cap and Gown?

Can you use a new blouse or dress?

How about a Gazelle Edge (exercise machine)?

How about some AA batteries?

Or maybe you'd like some silicone bakeware?

Perhaps you've been looking for a good deal on a paper shredder?

Can you imagine yourself more organized with this super funky expanding file folder?

Prices completely negotiable.  I just don't have a use for all this anymore.  There might be more to come, so I'll keep you posted.

Thanks to Deann for your support!