Friday, December 5, 2014

5 Senses

So, this was a funny little exercise.  In order to make me aware of my surroundings and to give you a little peek into my life, I explored my 5 senses.

I taste: the brisk, delicious 23 flavors of Dr. Pepper.  I was sitting here, watching TV and realized I needed a bottle.  It wasn't just a "want," but rather a "need."  I also maybe got dressed just for that occasion.  I maybe put on shoes and walked to the corner deli just for a bottle of Dr. Pepper.  THAT is a strong need.

I see: a mess.  My room is in a state of disarray.  There are empty bottles on my bookshelf.  I didn't drink them all last night... they just never went into the recycling.  I see books that have gone unread.  I see a bunch of dust that has collected on the shelf and on the tv stand.  I see dirt on the floor that needs to be swept.  I empty picture frames waiting to be filled.  I see the new cute blue flats that I bought last weekend that I haven't worn yet.  I both a heater and a fan because the weather can't make up its mind.  I see boots that I'm about to post for sale because I never wore them.  I see a pillow without a pillowcase because I'm lazy.

I hear: the TV and traffic outside.  The TV is playing season 6 of The West Wing.  It's something I've been indulging on during my 'staycation.'  It's all episodes that I've seen before, but it's still just as good as the first time.

I smell: nothing, really.  there are no smells arousing my nasal cavities as the moment.  I should start putting my Scentsy back on now that the windows will be closed more often, but I haven't yet.  Actually, as I sat here, I turned on my Scentsy.  Amazing.

I feel: cold.  Cold.  COLD.  Time to turn the heat on.  I feel my new slippers on my feet.  They're so soft and warm.  It's much warmer here in this apartment than my last apartment, though, so I shouldn't complain.

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