It's been a few days filled with walking sightseeing, which has been really nice. We found another Hummus Bar and the Kiskirálylány (little princess) statue, as well as some other photo worthy moments. The last two days have been near perfect weather, which has also been good.
From time to time, I ask y'all a question, hoping for input (remember the last one about the donkey?). Anyway, are there any things that you've heard about in Budapest that I haven't mentioned yet? I know people have heard things or seen pictures of things that I haven't even heard of, so let's have them. Or, if you don't know anything about Budapest, do a quick google search. or, maybe there's a particular theme you'd like to know more about... anyway, this makes me do my research and also allows you to maybe experience things that YOU want to experience... all through my camera screen and narration.
Anyway, I will leave you with a few VERY random pictures. Enjoy!
This is a plaque that is on the wall at St. Columba's Church. It pretty much speaks for itself. This building has such a history behind it. I have a book that I'm bringing home that details it in full and if this interests any of you, let me know and I'll let you borrow it. The fact that I am involved in the ministry happening in a place with so much history astounds me. It's a very weird thing, and it brings about so much humility.
the first snowfall in one of our courtyards... so pretty!
You might recognize this man, or maybe you've heard of him... His name is George Washington. I learned about him in school. Does that sound familiar? I'm not really sure what history he had with Hungary, but he has a statue in the city park! complete with one of those birds that often gets associated with our country: a bald eagle!
the next two pictures are taken from Vörösmarty day at the school. The kids are just hanging out, with a disco (dance) in the gym and this is in the bufé (cafeteria).
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