Anyway, I thought this would make the perfect time to update y'all. I've been thinking a lot about giving. Between Mikulás, Christmas, and everything else going on, it's been on my mind a lot - and not only the giving of gifts, but also the giving of time and love. I don't really want to get into time and love because it could be an extensive post and full of emotion for me, so I'll stick to gifts/money for now. maybe later?
When I think about Christmas presents, it's been a standard rule of mine to go with my age as a standard for pricing. That means all my gifts this year would not pass $26 total (it keeps me accountable for not going 'all out', but it also gives me something to work toward because a pair of socks for my dad seems ridiculous). That, in Multiband standards is about 3 hours of gross pay. Add that for 6 people and I have 18 hours or 1.5 days of work put into Christmas gifts. Not bad and not excessive, but still not cheap.
I am thinking about gifts this year. I got my sister something very small, it seems, and while I want to give more, I think about the fact that this isn't the same as last year. I bring in only $5 a day. Because I still need money left to actually survive. It sucks. I want to get more and give more, but when I put it in perspective of "this gift cost me an entire day's worth of stipend," I'm at a loss for words. Just my interesting thought for the day.
Also, I've been reading this great book sent to me by Kristine. It's called "A Million Miles In a Thousand Years" by Don Miller. It's quite possibly one of the most inspiring books I've read in a long time. When I'm on the metro, I hate when my stop comes and I have to stop reading and get off. Srsly! Anyway, it's a book about writing stories, becoming a good story and re-writing your life. I'm working out a plan to put these thoughts to use. First, I need some goals. Visiting Auschwitz is one goal... running with Wayne and David on 10.10.10 is another goal... leading worship on the mission trip in August is my third goal.
time to start writing these stories.
I never get sick of the climb up to Citadella. It's so beautiful and SUCH a great use of energy. I could probably go twice a day and not get sick of it. Add in music or a good friend, and it's even better.
However, I promise I'll stop taking pictures to share with you until we get snow. It's just so beautiful that I wish every one of you could experience it for yourselves!
Enjoy another round of Citadella pictures :)
We've got Szent István Király (Saint Steven the King). This photo has been edited to cut out Sepp and make the green Liberty bridge seem more lifelike.
this is the first time I'd seen the sun in a few days... and coincidentally, i think it's also the LAST time I saw the sun :P
Hungarian Lady Liberty
I love this city. Honestly.
and... Citadella itself.
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