Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One year ago - December 15, 2008

I was talking to my buddy Sepp (ELCA YAGM in Slovakia) and asked him to think back to five months ago - to what thoughts he was having about coming here. I would have told him a year ago, but it seems the majority of YAGMs weren't planning this for a year...
then I wondered, what was *I* thinking a year ago. I knew I was going by then for sure... so I checked my journal.

Lo, and behold, I should have realized this earlier. One year ago today (December 15, 2008) was my formal interview with Jay. This was the day we had a snow storm and the city buses were way behind schedule, so much so that I called a cab in order to get there on time without waiting for the bus in my dressier clothes (hey, I had NO idea what to expect - srsly!) in the snow for hours. Then we sat in Boba Latte (oh, how I miss that place!) and chatted about my story and about Hungary. That day was the day that Jay affirmed my calling.
I look back at that journal entry and read about the excitement and it makes me excited again. I also look back in amazement - I sat trembling, worrying about raising $12,000-ish and how I was ever going to swing that in today's economy. Yet, while I have not yet raised all of it, God provided every step of the way. I look back with pride because I didn't think I would ever be able to walk away from my comfort zone and yet... here I am.
It's a sombering moment here and now. Praise God for the last year. Praise God for His calling, His guidance, His provisions, His love and His grace. I praise God for you, too. Without you, I wouldn't be here (I know - cliché). Without your support, I'd be cross country skiing into work back in Grand Rapids still (they got a lot of snow in the last week!) Thank you.

And now, another couple reminders - I have not yet reached my $12,000 goal and am still about $2000 short. I know Christmas for many is going to be hard this year and I know that so many of you have already given much. However, I left trusting that God would provide these final numbers - So I ask, is God calling YOU to help the Roma people in Hungary? There are wonderful ministries happening over here and if God is calling you, I just simply ask that you give what He's moving you to give - no more, no less. To support my mission, you can donate online at www.rca.org/volunteers - click on ‘donate’ and select my name from the list.
Otherwise, you can send a check to the following address - just put my name in the memo section and it will get to me. Thank you, in advance, for helping to advance God’s kingdom. Together, God is using us to do His good and perfect will.
RCA Mission Volunteer Program (checks should be made payable to this program)
Reformed Church of America
PO Box 19381
Newark, NJ 07195-1938

Also, it's important to remember family this time of the year. I'm rushing to get cards and gifts out in time to travel back to the states and receiving gifts (THANK YOU!), but it doesn't make up for my absence. If you see my mom or my dad or my sister or my brothers or my friends... give them a hug for me, okay? I miss them and spending Christmas with them would be a dream come true, but just as David Blakeslee said in his letter that I got today, I'm "living God's dream." And following God is something that is waaay bigger than my dreams.

I was going to go into a spiel about Mary and giving birth to Jesus, but I think that's enough for tonight. Happy 15th day of Advent - we won't be waiting much longer!


I'm not going to leave you with any pictures, but instead I have some Youtube links.

These are videos from our Önkéntes Diakóniai Év orientation - we were introducing the United States to our fellow volunteers. Enjoy!
Singing the States
Simple Gifts Remix

This video is from our first week in Hungary - hanging out in Jozsi's house in Uzd, Hungary - jamming out some gypsy music :)

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