My friend, Mike, lost his dad yesterday. Please lift up his family in your prayers as they grieve.
I have a huge prayer request because I'm incredibly nervous.
Saturday, I will be meeting with the youth group.
Now, I can hear you all now: "why is that such a big deal?" and "isn't that what you like to do?" and i bet even a few of you are cheering...
It's a big deal because this is the first time I'll be meeting with them alone.
No Aaron for translating. None of these kids speak English as their first language. !!! What am I thinking?!
Now, granted, the parents really want this to be an English speaking group. Great, I speak English. However, I also know how hard it is to communicate feelings in a second language. This Saturday won't be too many feelings if things go as planned - just a few games, coffee, cola, and maybe a talk sheet. But, I don't even know what games to play. I'm thinking in regards to getting to know the kids better, we can do "All My Neighbors Who..."
but after that, I don't know.
Like, this is the first time I've ever thought about a youth group meeting and not felt like I can do this.
i wonder if I can find foam soap in Hungary...
One thing my flatmates keep asking is "What is American food?" To which I respond, "psh, i don't know - chinese, mexican, italian - it's all american!" Well, I have found something that no one else had heard of: skillets. I came home one night craving the awesome goodness that only potatoes, meat and cheese can provide. So, fried up some potatoes in some oil with paprika and pepper. Then I cut up some bologna and grated some cheese. When the potatoes were done frying (which took a ridiculous amount of time, really), i drained the leftover oil and then mixed the potatoes with the meat and cheese. Then topped it off with some ketchup and mayonnaise and we have got dinner :) And yes, that is a smiley face out of condiments.
This, my friends, is why I need to start a morning walking routine. This is a hungarian specialty known as Kurtoskalacs (with some dots and accents, but I'm not going to look it up) and hot cocoa. It was a wonderful treat after a cold day of shopping, but it is sooo baaad... ;)
This is the Budai Vari Siklo - it's like a ski lift thing that takes you up to the Buda Castle. We totally got to ride on it with the kids :) It was awesome.
A shot of the view on a dreary day. I never get sick of this view - I hope you don't either. It's just so... beautiful!
Richters are everywhere over here! Yay!
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