Anyway, we just had our first youth group 'meeting' - the first two hang outs were just that: hanging out. So, this week, we decided to meet at the church and have coffee and cookies (hence the reason for the baking) and actually HAVE A MEETING! An update since the prayer request: Aaron did come and while there was a little translation, for the most part, it was in English. It was good :) We had two students, refugees from Iraq, that came and we had a blast. We played that game where you tie balloons to your feet and try to stomp out everyone else's. Then we filled out a short survey about maybe what we would like to see in Youth Group and about Bible knowledge. Then we talked about names. What does your name mean? I found out that that "Tracy" means "warlike" and is of Irish/Gaelic origin. great... We then moved on to talk about some different names for God - we went through a bunch of them (God, Adonai, El Shaddai, Jehovah-Rophe, Judge, Shepherd, etc) and looked up some corresponding verses - the verses were then read in English and Arabic (which was really neat). And we concluded with a 'homework assignment': think about what would be a great description or name for our group and come back with some ideas in 2 weeks. Ladies and gentlemen, it was great. Thank you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for these kids - we have different kids every time we meet, so I can't wait until the day we get all of them in one place at one time! I also can't wait to actually get to know each of them and discover who they really are and what makes them 'tick'.
Also, tomorrow is Mikulás Day in Hungary - Santa Claus comes tomorrow! I'll tell you about that in my next blog. Promise.
Experience holidays with me in Budapest!
Halloween in Budapest :)
Dia de Los Muertos :)
Thanksgiving Feast in Budapest :)
Aw, how did the Santa Claus day go? And sometimes, I must say, that baking is an eyeball thing - comes from the inside not measuring cups :-D *heart*
it went really well - how does it feel to have a birthday on the same day that lots of people celebrate santa?!
my cookies are from the heart - hey! remember when I made that terrible looking, but really yummy cake for your thanksgiving? i told one of the ukrainian boys I'd make it for his birthday!
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