Thursday, July 8, 2010

Days Go By...

... and still I think of You.

I've been the busiest in the last week than I've been all year. I don't think I've slept past 7a since July 1st and golly gee, I can't wait for Saturday, when I can sleep in again!

So now you're all asking the question: "What have you been doing?"

Well, on July 1st, a work team from Ohio arrived in Budapest and putting aside some of my own selfish desires (like sleep!), I chose to be Miss Budapest for them. Every evening has been some adventure or another, whether it's a super walk through the city or an evening "hike" or just a stop at a grocery store so that they can spend a quiet night in. Tonight is actually the first night that we didn't leave the church together. It was weird to walk out by myself and turn the opposite direction that they did.

next question: "Why were y'all at church?"

Well, this week is a DAY CAMP at the church. This is an "English Language Day Camp" which basically means that all of the adults speak English, and while the goal would be to do the camp in English, there's a lot of translating happening and a lot of blank stares when we read Bible stories. At least I can relate to the kids after having experienced an entire year like that :P

There's only one day left and I remain hopeful that we'll end it well. With 60 kids, 20 adults and 7 hours to fill each day... it can get a little long. I am praying that we make it through the last 7 hours and have a blast (and some sadness) saying "goodbye!" The kids have really been great with only silly minor things that we forever nitpick at because we crazy adults expect kids to be perfect. Each day, when some of them come in and greet me with a smile and hug, it makes me feel more useful than I've felt all year.

So funny, I often find myself laughing and thinking "I have worked more in the last 2 weeks than I have the entire year combined..." and I love it. The feeling of hard work and crashing on the pillow at the end of the day (with a happy sigh) is the sign of a servant and a job well done.

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