I packed one time for a 5 day trip in just my backpack. I'm not talking hiking backpack. No, my orange backpack that I had at home - it's your standard size padded (for a laptop) backpack.
I fit everything I needed in there and managed to find room for three books and a Bible. Granted there was no towel and I use a crap-ton of hair products when I feel like doing my hair... but still.
Most people say they could do it. Go try. I'll wait.
You probably only fit 5 days of undergarments, all your toiletries, your pajamas and either one or two outfits depending on what you chose. Now grab 4 books. Yeah, take out one of the outfits if you've got two in there...
No, there won't be a washing machine. Yeah, go grab that extra deodorant.
See where I'm going with this?
I'm looking at the jeans I'm wearing and I know I did the sniff test this morning, but I can't remember when I last washed them. I promise I'm wearing clean underwear and socks, but I really can't promise that my shirt's clean.
I brought waaay too many clothes to Hungary. I'm starting to look at what I brought and thinking... "why?" Anything I haven't worn yet - is there any point? There are some things that I brought that I realized I'll never wear because I'm not in any sort of professional position - that suit coat, for instance. I've only worn one of the two dresses and one of the three skirts - there just wasn't any reason to really dress up. BUT it would have sucked if I got here and didn't have dress up clothes if teachers dressed up like they do in Japan (remember, that WAS my original job description).
Luckily, I got rid of most of my clothes before coming here... but I'm really curious why I still have what I left there. What DID I leave at home? If I don't remember it, why am I keeping it?
At any rate, I'm coming home with less clothes than I brought...
I'll probably never consider a dryer a necessity again...
and I'm probably in the mood for rewearing jeans until they stand up on their own, then wearing them ONE MORE TIME before I wash them.
Romans 16:19 - Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.
Rómaiakhoz 16:19 - Mert a ti engedelmességetek mindenekhez eljutott. Örülök azért rajtatok; de akarom, hogy bölcsek legyetek a jóban, ártatlanok pedig a rosszban.
Dear God, this year was a year of growing - spiritually, mentally, and well... around the hips. As I prepare my heart for my return, there are some things that I have walked away from that were evil in my life. By removing me from the situation, walking away was easy. When I return, Lord, help me not to fall into those ways again. Help me to remain innocent and also wise through the good that You have shown me. Do not stop revealing Yourself and Your Goodness to me.
1 comment:
i don't think i'll ever find a real need for a dryer again either. funny the things i missed out on and even more so, the things i didn't...
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