Saturday, July 10, 2010

a poll and highlights

well, kids - it's about that time - time to ask the question that all bloggers ask at some point in their blog: To continue or not to continue.
I am thinking that my blog will continue through August 1st, but I am debating a few questions:
a) do I continue the blog or start a new one?
b) what will I write about? I don't really know my next adventure yet, so I don't want to take up your time with a blog about, well, nothing :P
c) what will you want to read about?

if you could take a few moments and post a comment on my blog, that'd be great - I'd love to know your thoughts.


highlights from my last week:
(running the St. Columba's Church Day Camp 2010)

* 55 kids from 10 different countries
* 20+ leaders and helpers from 7 different countries
* American style coffee every morning
* being awake at 7a and being already on my way by 7:30 - it made me feel like I was actually doing something (believe me, I WAS doing something!)
* translating :)
* complete understanding of all the kids (in English and Hungarian)
* leading "Te Vagy a Mindenem" (All In All) singing every morning
* games that went well - human foosball was a HIT! (emberi csò-csò)
* leading small group lessons in English and even using my Hungarian (although Marika's translating was also a highlight - she was my GIRL!)
* getting to know Marika
* the Vorosmarty School lunches and the joy that the lunch break brought
* laughing at the thought of actually trying to do hard crafts with kids that don't understand the leaders (bead buddies weren't exactly a FAIL, but they probably won't ever be repeated)
* teaching kids how to play "Spoons"
* Photo Scavenger Hunt (although I never participated, the pictures were CUTE!)
* hugs every morning and every afternoon
* laughter
* smiling faces

* falling asleep each night with some sense of accomplishment and peace - which is more than I could say for most of my year


Mike N. said...

I say, build a new following around a new topic once this mission is closed and a new mission/adventure begins! :)

Jane said...

I think you should start a new one- New chapter, new blog! :)

April said...

New blog, but be sure I know about it!