Even though I've been living in a capital city that's very westernized, I've still had to live rather simply.
Don't take it personally if I seem horrified at certain aspects of "American" life - showers every day, getting in the car to drive to the corner store, or buying a new laptop instead of patching the broken one back together with tape... yeah, my laptop is being held together by tape. Now, if only I could get it working again! :P
Recognize that there are certain things you could and should change, but also that adjusting to what may now feel incredibly extravagant will simply take awhile. I hope to make permanent changes toward a simpler lifestyle. Recognize this as a good thing :)
Matthew 11:28-30 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Máté 11:28-30 - Jõjjetek én hozzám mindnyájan, a kik megfáradtatok és megterheltettetek, és én megnyugosztlak titeket. Vegyétek föl magatokra az én igámat, és tanuljátok meg tõlem, hogy én szelid és alázatos szívû vagyok: és nyugalmat találtok a ti lelkeiteknek. Mert az én igám gyönyörûséges, és az én terhem könnyû.
Dear God, give me rest today. This is the first Monday in a long time that I've had nothing to do. Help me to just BE and reflect on the past year.
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