Saturday, July 17, 2010

Part 6 of 10 --- Re-entry Preparation

At least half the things that come out of my mouth in the next few months will begin with "In Hungary..." This will probably start to annoy the crap out of you after a couple weeks (Sorry, Mom, you gotta put up with me!)

I'm going to apologize right now...


Just... don't tell me it's annoying. It will prove to be far less effective than listening and asking INTERESTED questions. And if I've already told you this, stop me and tell me. I'm sure there will be some other silly story that I can pull out instead :D

The faster I run out of stories, the faster you get off the hook, right?


Galatians 6:10 - Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatákhoz 6:10 - Annakokáért míg idõnk van, cselekedjünk jót mindenekkel, kiváltképen pedig a mi hitünknek cselédeivel.

Dear God, sometimes I have been unkind this last year. Sometimes I have been cranky or angry or selfish. Sometimes I have been hurtful through words or deeds. Please forgive me for those moments, help me to forgive myself, and help those whom I hurt to also forgive me. Mold my heart, Lord, to make it more like Yours. Help me to do good and be loving toward all people, just as You are.

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